Descriptions Typodarium 2015 PDF
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The secret typographical weapon against typotony, a curable form of typographical monotony, frequently manifested through the symptom of constant use of the same font (preferably Helvetica).
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You know true typography buffs by the brace of little boxes that can be found in their desk drawers: 9 by 12 cm in size, neon green and orange, bright blue and pink, chrome silver and navy blue, filled to the brim with little strips of paper, creative professionals' nectar and ambrosia, your trusty companion for typography ideas outside of the mainstream. It's the Typodarium's second life on earth - how practical!
But even before its reincarnation, the chubby little calendar is there for you: supplying handy daily typography inspiration right on your desk, your kitchen table, or right off your wall, delighting professionals, surprising beginners and giving anyone and everyone a taste of the gorgeous diversity of modern font design. For seven years now, the Typodarium has proven an irreplaceable asset for all manner of font aficionados all over the world!
This year around, our colour palette is inspired by Mexico: The Typodarium's vibrant pink and resplendent yellow will deliver fresh exotic inspirations and brilliant sunlight straight to your desktop. Jury members Philippe Apeloig, Alexander Branczyk, Martina Flor, Ivo Gabrowitsch and Mario Lombardo have all done their bit to make you, too, beam at the sight of a new font every day.
"I do not think of type
as something that should be readable.
It should be beautiful."
Ed Benguiat .